3. Working Principle
GD Type combined DAF consists of floatation tank , dissolved air system , reflux pipe , dissolved air released system , skimmer (Based on customer needs , there are combined type , traveling type and chain-plate type to choose.), electric cabinet and so on.
Air flotation separation technology dissolves air into water at certain working pressure. In the process, pressurized water is saturated with dissolved air and is discharged into a flotation vessel. The microscopic air bubbles produces by released air attach to suspended solids and float them to the surface , forming a sludge blanket. A scoop removed the thickened sludge. Finally , it complete purifies the water.
Air flotation technology plays an important in solid-liquid separation, (simultaneously reduce COD , BOD , chroma, etc.). Firstly , mix flocculating agent into raw water enters into the contact zone where microscopic air bubbles adhere to the floc and then flows into the separation zone. Under the buoyancy effects , the tiny bubbles float the flocs to the surface , forming a sludge blanket. A skimming device removed the sludge into the sludge hopper. Then the lower clarified water flows into the clean-water reservoir through the collecting pipe. Some of water are recycled to the flotation tank for the air dissolving system, while others will be discharged.
4. Application
Dissolved air flotation is very widely used in treating the industrial wastewater effluents from oil refineries , petrochemical and chemical plants, natural gas processing plants , paper mills , general water treatment and similar industrial facilities. Such as electroplating , food , slaughtering , brewing , tanning , printing, and dyeing , paper making.
5. Technical Data Sheet

Environmech Sdn. Bhd.
since 2012 Co. Reg. No: (1007069-M)
For more information or enquiry, please contact Environmech Sdn. Bhd.
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