Confirmation matters before consulting
Please confirm following problems again before consulting or asking for repairs. After confirming those matters, if the equipment still does not work normally, please contact our company or our agents.
<Recurring issues>
Can not work automatically
If select auto mode, but the equipment still does not work. Please confirm following matters,
・Is it auto mode for 24h timer(TS-1)?
・Is there any abnormal situation for dosing equipment or sludge tanks?
・Whether thermal overload relays disconnect?
・Emergency stop button(EMS) released or not?
※If the equipment is customized, maybe can not follow above steps completely.
If problems still have not been solved based on above steps, please confirm following matters more carefully.
① Before inspecting the equipment, please select stop mode for operation mode(COS-1). And other selection switches(CSL) need to be in off state. What's more, check whether the valve is in normal state.
② When turn on the main power(ELCB-1), the power indicator light (WL-1)will be on. And also for LED screen of each frequency converter(INV). If it isn't, it may caused by no power supply, indicator light breakdown or frequency converter fault. So please cut off the power before exchanging or doing wiring work and ask for professional technical persons to work on it.
③ When connect operational power(MCCB-C), fault indicate (OL-O) lights off.
Even pressing the emergency stop button, the fault indicator still lights off.
Moreover, when incept the fault signal from dosing equipment, the fault indicator still lights off. If fault indicator (OL-O) lights on, it may be caused by following situations.
・Motor for screw shaft overloads.
・Dosing pump overloads.
・Sludge pump overloads.
・An error occurs to frequency converter for screw shaft motor.
・An error occurs to frequency converter for mixing motor.
Please find out the cause of errors and remove them, so as to get the equipment recovery.
④ 24h timer(TS-1) is in auto state.
If the present time is beyond its setted time range, the equipment is just on standby. It will not work, even selecting auto state. If run the equipment immediately, it has to reset the operation time.
⑤ The sludge in measuring tank can not be too less. At least can not be lower than its lowest level.
Please cut off the main power(ELCB-1) and operational power(MCCB-C), when the sludge level reaches the lowest level.
Please check whether the sludge is in proper quantity or not before running the equipment.
⑥ Keep screw shaft off-delay timer in conducting position.
Please check whether the indicator lights in front of timer is on or not.
If the indicator light is off, it may be caused by timer failure or wiring errors.
Please cut off the power before exchanging or doing wiring work and ask for professional technical persons to work on it.
After checking all above matters, please switch the operation mode (COS-1) to auto mode. Make the equipment run automatically. If it still does not work, please contact our company or our agent.
For more information or enquiry, please contact Environmech Sdn. Bhd.
Contact us: http://www.environmech.com/p/contact-us.html
Website: www.Environmech.com