Innovative, no conservative
Low temperature & Safe,
no loss of heat
Closed loop, no pollution release
Exclusive high-tech quadruple-effect of
condensing dehumidification
Just experience the drying capacity
which twice that of the industry standard
Lower moisture content
Fewer energy consumption
This is what Shincci Low Temperature
Sludge Dryer is doing
In a way that is more effectively and eco-friendly.
Up till now, Shincci has originally R&D Low Temperature Sludge
Dryer, Swimming Pool Dehumidification Heat Pump and Food &
Medicinal Materials Dryer, which are awarded with 60+ National
Patents, and appreciated by customers from the countries/regions
such as USA, Germany, UK, Italy, Russia, Romania, Turkey, Japan,
India, Republic of Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, etc.
Representing the currently latest technology application of sludge
drying, the Low Temperature Sludge Dryer made by Shincci, breaks
through the industrial bottleneck of sludge treatment (e.g. high
energy-consumption, low efficiency, odor emission, heavy dust,
etc), and provide a combined solution to make the sludge as
volume-reduction, harmlessness, stabilization and resource
utilization, in a manner of low temperature and safely, no odor
emission, no raising dust and energy-efficient.

Above image is dry sludge as end products with moisture content in range of 10 to 30%.
For more information or enquiry, please contact Environmech Sdn. Bhd. (www.Environmech.com)