Biofilm Carrier warehouse

Enmech Biofilm Carriers is a new kind of suspension carriers, it modified polymeric materials with the promoted additions of bio-enzyme, it improves the enzymatic catalysis, so it possess excellences of larger specific surface, being easy to multiply biofilm, unease to fall.
- High hydrophilicity, biofilm has good adsorption unease to fall off .
- Addition includes the ingredient enforcing enzyme activeness, which improves the catalysis of bio-enzyme and definitely increases the degradation abilities of microorganisms for pollutants.
- High removal of nitrogen and phosphor, in case of sewage, removal of pollutants reaching NH3-N 98-99.9% TN 80-85%, TP70-75%.
- Efficiency is 30 to 50 per cent higher than Activated Sludge.
- Could be directly dropped into aerobic basin, anaerobic basin, and anoxic basin.
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